changeset 239 112b4bc523b3
parent 236 a32817e81f5e
child 243 90db933fe956
--- a/	Thu Sep 04 16:07:14 2008 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Sep 05 16:25:57 2008 +0200
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@
 ieclib_path = os.path.join(base_folder, "matiec", "lib")
 # import for project creation timestamping
-from threading import Timer, Lock, Thread
+from threading import Timer, Lock, Thread, Semaphore
 from time import localtime
 from datetime import datetime
 # import necessary stuff from PLCOpenEditor
@@ -1054,62 +1054,6 @@
                 for v in self._VariablesList if v["type"] in DebugTypes ])}
         return debug_code
-    def RegisterDebugVarToConnector(self):
-        self.DebugTimer=None
-        Idxs = []
-        self.TracedIECPath = []
-        if self._connector is not None:
-            self.IECdebug_lock.acquire()
-            for IECPath,data_tuple in self.IECdebug_datas.iteritems():
-                WeakCallableDict, data_log, status = data_tuple
-                if len(WeakCallableDict) == 0:
-                    # Callable Dict is empty.
-                    # This variable is not needed anymore!
-                    # self.IECdebug_callables.pop(IECPath)
-                    # TODO
-                    print "Unused : " + IECPath
-                else:
-                    # Convert 
-                    Idx = self._IECPathToIdx.get(IECPath,None)
-                    if Idx is not None:
-                        Idxs.append(Idx)
-                        self.TracedIECPath.append(IECPath)
-                    else:
-                        self.logger.write_warning("Debug : Unknown variable %s\n"%IECPath)
-            self._connector.SetTraceVariablesList(Idxs)
-            self.IECdebug_lock.release()
-    def SubscribeDebugIECVariable(self, IECPath, callableobj, *args, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Dispatching use a dictionnary linking IEC variable paths
-        to a WeakKeyDictionary linking 
-        weakly referenced callables to optionnal args
-        """
-        self.IECdebug_lock.acquire()
-        # If no entry exist, create a new one with a fresh WeakKeyDictionary
-        IECdebug_data = self.IECdebug_datas.get(IECPath, None)
-        if IECdebug_data is None:
-            IECdebug_data  = [
-                    WeakKeyDictionary(), # Callables
-                    [],                  # Data storage [(tick, data),...]
-                    "Registered"]        # Variable status
-            self.IECdebug_datas[IECPath] = IECdebug_data
-        IECdebug_data[0][callableobj]=(args, kwargs)
-        self.IECdebug_lock.release()
-        if self.DebugTimer is not None:
-            self.DebugTimer.cancel()
-        # Timer to prevent rapid-fire when registering many variables
-        # use wx.CallAfter use keep using same thread. TODO : use wx.Timer instead
-        self.DebugTimer=Timer(0.5,wx.CallAfter,args = [self.RegisterDebugVarToConnector])
-        # Rearm anti-rapid-fire timer
-        self.DebugTimer.start()
-        return IECdebug_data[1]
     def Generate_plc_common_main(self):
@@ -1337,10 +1281,85 @@
             self.logger.write_error("Couldn't start PLC !\n")
+    def RegisterDebugVarToConnector(self):
+        self.DebugTimer=None
+        Idxs = []
+        self.TracedIECPath = []
+        if self._connector is not None:
+            self.IECdebug_lock.acquire()
+            IECPathsToPop = []
+            for IECPath,data_tuple in self.IECdebug_datas.iteritems():
+                WeakCallableDict, data_log, status = data_tuple
+                if len(WeakCallableDict) == 0:
+                    # Callable Dict is empty.
+                    # This variable is not needed anymore!
+                    #print "Unused : " + IECPath
+                    IECPathsToPop.append(IECPath)
+                else:
+                    # Convert 
+                    Idx = self._IECPathToIdx.get(IECPath,None)
+                    if Idx is not None:
+                        Idxs.append(Idx)
+                        self.TracedIECPath.append(IECPath)
+                    else:
+                        self.logger.write_warning("Debug : Unknown variable %s\n"%IECPath)
+            for IECPathToPop in IECPathsToPop:
+                self.IECdebug_datas.pop(IECPathToPop)
+            self._connector.SetTraceVariablesList(Idxs)
+            self.IECdebug_lock.release()
+    def SubscribeDebugIECVariable(self, IECPath, callableobj, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Dispatching use a dictionnary linking IEC variable paths
+        to a WeakKeyDictionary linking 
+        weakly referenced callables to optionnal args
+        """
+        self.IECdebug_lock.acquire()
+        # If no entry exist, create a new one with a fresh WeakKeyDictionary
+        IECdebug_data = self.IECdebug_datas.get(IECPath, None)
+        if IECdebug_data is None:
+            IECdebug_data  = [
+                    WeakKeyDictionary(), # Callables
+                    [],                  # Data storage [(tick, data),...]
+                    "Registered"]        # Variable status
+            self.IECdebug_datas[IECPath] = IECdebug_data
+        IECdebug_data[0][callableobj]=(args, kwargs)
+        self.IECdebug_lock.release()
+        if self.DebugTimer is not None:
+            self.DebugTimer.cancel()
+        # Timer to prevent rapid-fire when registering many variables
+        # use wx.CallAfter use keep using same thread. TODO : use wx.Timer instead
+        self.DebugTimer=Timer(0.5,wx.CallAfter,args = [self.RegisterDebugVarToConnector])
+        # Rearm anti-rapid-fire timer
+        self.DebugTimer.start()
+        return IECdebug_data[1]
+    def UnsubscribeDebugIECVariable(self, IECPath, callableobj):
+        IECdebug_data = self.IECdebug_datas.get(IECPath, None)
+        if IECdebug_data is None:
+            IECdebug_data[0].pop(callableobj,None)
+    def DebugCallerFunc(self, weakcallable, value, *args, **kwargs):
+        # do the call
+        weakcallable.SetValue(value, *args, **kwargs)
+        # will unlock debug thread
+        self.DebugThreadSlowDownLock.release()
     def DebugThreadProc(self):
+        """
+        This thread waid PLC debug data, and dispatch them to subscribers
+        """
+        # This lock is used to avoid flooding wx event stack calling callafter
+        self.DebugThreadSlowDownLock = Semaphore(0)
         while self._connector is not None:
             debug_tick, debug_vars = self._connector.GetTraceVariables()
-            print debug_tick, debug_vars
+            #print debug_tick, debug_vars
             if debug_vars is not None and \
                len(debug_vars) == len(self.TracedIECPath):
                 for IECPath,value in zip(self.TracedIECPath, debug_vars):
@@ -1349,13 +1368,16 @@
                         WeakCallableDict, data_log, status = data_tuple
                         data_log.append((debug_tick, value))
                         for weakcallable,(args,kwargs) in WeakCallableDict.iteritems():
-                            wx.CallAfter(weakcallable.SetValue, value, *args, **kwargs)
+                            # delegate call to wx event loop
+                            wx.CallAfter(self.DebugCallerFunc, weakcallable, value, *args, **kwargs)
+                            # This will block thread if more than one call is waiting
+                            self.DebugThreadSlowDownLock.acquire()
             elif debug_vars is not None:
                              "debug data not coherent %d != %d"%(len(debug_vars), len(self.TracedIECPath)))
-            elif debug_tick == -1:
+            #elif debug_tick == -1:
                 #wx.CallAfter(self.logger.write, "Debugger unavailable\n")
-                pass
+            #    pass
                 wx.CallAfter(self.logger.write, "Debugger disabled\n")
@@ -1367,6 +1389,7 @@
         if self.GetIECProgramsAndVariables() and \
             self.logger.write("Starting PLC (debug mode)\n")
+            self.TracedIECPath = []
             # TODO : laucnch PLCOpenEditor in Debug Mode
             self.DebugThread = Thread(target=self.DebugThreadProc)
@@ -1379,12 +1402,13 @@
 #        self.temporary_non_weak_callable_refs = []
 #        for IEC_Path, idx in self._IECPathToIdx.iteritems():
 #            class tmpcls:
-#                def __init__(self):
+#                def __init__(_self):
 #                    self.buf = None
-#                def setbuf(self,buf):
+#                def setbuf(_self,buf):
 #                    self.buf = buf
-#                def SetValue(self, value, idx, name):
-#                    print "debug call:", value, idx, name, self.buf
+#                def SetValue(_self, value, idx, name):
+#                    self.logger.write("debug call: %s %d %s\n"%(repr(value), idx, name))
+#                    #self.logger.write("debug call: %s %d %s %s\n"%(repr(value), idx, name, repr(self.buf)))
 #            a = tmpcls()
 #            res = self.SubscribeDebugIECVariable(IEC_Path, a, idx, IEC_Path)
 #            a.setbuf(res)