include yslt_noindent.yml2 istylesheet xmlns:ppx="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:ns="beremiz" extension-element-prefixes="ns" exclude-result-prefixes="ns" { template "text()"; template "text()", mode="var_class"; template "text()", mode="var_type"; template "text()", mode="var_edit"; template "text()", mode="var_debug"; variable "project", "ns:GetProject()"; variable "stdlib", "ns:GetStdLibs()"; variable "extensions", "ns:GetExtensions()"; variable "all_types", "($project | $stdlib | $extensions)/ppx:types"; function "add_root" { param "class"; param "type"; param "edit" > true param "debug" > true value "ns:SetRoot($class, $type, $edit, $debug)"; } template "ppx:pou" { call "add_root" { with "class" > «@pouType» with "type" > «@name» } apply "ppx:interface"; apply "ppx:actions/ppx:action | ppx:transitions/ppx:transition", mode="variable_list"; } template "ppx:action" { call "add_root" { with "class" > action } apply "ancestor::ppx:pou/child::ppx:interface"; } template "ppx:transition" { call "add_root" { with "class" > transition } apply "ancestor::ppx:pou/child::ppx:interface"; } template "ppx:configuration" { call "add_root" { with "class" > configuration with "debug" > false } apply "ppx:resource", mode="variable_list"; apply "ppx:globalVars"; } template "ppx:resource" { call "add_root" { with "class" > resource with "debug" > false } apply "ppx:pouInstance | ppx:task/ppx:pouInstance", mode="variable_list"; apply "ppx:globalVars"; } function "variables_infos" { param "var_class"; foreach "ppx:variable" { variable "class" { apply "ppx:type", mode="var_class" { with "default_class" > «$var_class» } } variable "type" { apply"ppx:type", mode="var_type"; } variable "edit" { apply "ppx:type", mode="var_edit"; } variable "debug" { apply "ppx:type", mode="var_debug"; } value "ns:AddVariable(@name, $class, $type, $edit, $debug)"; } } template "ppx:localVars" { call "variables_infos" { with "var_class" > Local } } template "ppx:globalVars" { call "variables_infos" { with "var_class" > Global } } template "ppx:externalVars" { call "variables_infos" { with "var_class" > External } } template "ppx:tempVars" { call "variables_infos" { with "var_class" > Temp } } template "ppx:inputVars" { call "variables_infos" { with "var_class" > Input } } template "ppx:outputVars" { call "variables_infos" { with "var_class" > Output } } template "ppx:inOutVars" { call "variables_infos" { with "var_class" > InOut } } function "add_variable" { param "name"; param "class"; param "type"; param "edit" > true param "debug" > true value "ns:AddVariable($name, $class, $type, $edit, $debug)"; } template "ppx:action", mode="variable_list" { call "add_variable" { with "name" > «@name» with "class" > action } } template "ppx:transition", mode="variable_list" { call "add_variable" { with "name" > «@name» with "class" > transition } } template "ppx:resource", mode="variable_list" { call "add_variable" { with "name" > «@name» with "class" > resource with "debug" > false } } template "ppx:pouInstance", mode="variable_list" { call "add_variable" { with "name" > «@name» with "class" > program with "type" > «@typeName» } } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/ppx:derived", mode="var_class" { param "default_class"; variable "type_name", "@name"; variable "pou_infos", "$all_types/ppx:pous/ppx:pou[@name=$type_name]"; choose { when "$pou_infos" { apply "$pou_infos", mode="var_class"; } otherwise { value "$default_class" } } } template "ppx:pou", mode="var_class" { value "@pouType"; } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/*", mode="var_class", priority="-1.0" { param "default_class"; value "$default_class"; } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/ppx:derived", mode="var_type" { > «@name» } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/ppx:array", mode="var_type" { > ARRAY [ foreach "ppx:dimension" { > «@lower»..«@upper» } > ] OF apply "ppx:baseType", mode="var_type"; } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/ppx:string", mode="var_type" { > STRING } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/ppx:wstring", mode="var_type" { > WSTRING } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/*", mode="var_type", priority="-1.0" { > «local-name()» } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/ppx:derived", mode="var_edit" { variable "type_name", "@name"; variable "pou_infos", "$project/ppx:types/ppx:pous/ppx:pou[@name=$type_name]"; choose { when "$pou_infos" > true otherwise > false } } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/ppx:array", mode="var_edit" { apply "ppx:baseType", mode="var_edit"; } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/*", mode="var_edit", priority="-1.0" { > false } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/ppx:derived", mode="var_debug" { variable "type_name", "@name"; variable "datatype_infos", """ \ $project/ppx:types/ppx:pous/ppx:pou[@name=$type_name] | \ $all_types/ppx:dataTypes/ppx:dataType[@name=$type_name] \ """; choose { when "$datatype_infos" { apply "$datatype_infos", mode="var_debug"; } otherwise > false } } template "ppx:pou", mode="var_debug" { > true } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/ppx:array", mode="var_debug" { > false } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/ppx:struct", mode="var_debug" { > false } template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType]/*", mode="var_debug", priority="-1.0" { > true } }